Letters From The Field – Elder Tanner Bennett’s Mission Blog – Week 9

June 4, 2018

Elder Tanner Bennett was a guest on a previous episode of LDS MissionCast. He agreed to share his mission letters with the readers of our blog. So each week we will bring a letter from his mission. We will interview him at the conclusion of his mission as well. So stay tuned and stay connected to Tanner’s story each week on the LDS MissionCast Blog!


Well hello friends and family!

This week has been really unique. I had the opportunity to play for Elder Rasband on Tuesday, and that was SUPER COOL. Him and his wife are absolute spiritual powerhouses. I love them. I know he is a truly called prophet of God and a true representative of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His wife is also probably the sweetest person I have ever met. She is very engaging and wanted to know a lot about the missionaries haha. I played a really cool arrangement I wrote and it was an incredible experience.
As far as other news this week… about my visa, apparently there have been some unique complications and circumstances, so I got it. Yeah, totally have it. Oh, you thought I didn’t? Well I did! HAHA! I am so excited to leave this place! I have loved the MTC, don’t get me wrong, but I am ready to serve and to get out to the world to help God’s children. I AM SO EXCITED!!! I have been blessed as one of 3 of the 11 that got their visas. PLEASE keep my district, my companion, and my zone in your prayers as we see who will be getting visas this next week.
Another thing that happened was an English Fast! Yeah! That’s a thing! I didn’t speak English for TWO DAYS. Not a word. I am right now doing another fast for A WHOLE WEEK. *internal screaming* pray for me.
Not much else has happened this week in the MTC, but I hope you all will remember one thing going into this next week. Our living prophet has told us we MUST STRIVE for personal revelation. He said in the last general conference that there will be no way to survive the coming days and trials without it. I know that this is true. Please, strive to pray more often, DAILY READ THE BOOK OF MORMON, and do all you can to protect your families. I know that as you do this, God will bless you. I know that He has blessed me, and I know that without Him, I would not be where I am.
The MTC has been an incredible experience. I thought I came here to learn how to communicate with the people of Taiwan, I did not. At least, not completely. I came here to learn how to communicate with the spirit, and through that bless the lives of the Taiwanese people. It is incredible how much I have been able to accomplish in just a few short weeks, and I know the only way I have been able to is through earnest pleading with my Father in Heaven, and faith in my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know the blessing of the gift of tongues IS REAL, and God is hastening His work on the earth. I beg you all to read and re-read the words of general conference and see how you can apply them in your work, in your lives, and in your families.
The next email you get from me I will be in Taichung! EEEEE!
I love you all, 加油!
Elder Bennett
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