Sister Rae Eckton – From the Mission Field

September 4, 2018
Sister Rae Eckton was a previous guest on the Latter-day Saint MissionCast. You can listen to her episode by clicking here. She will be sending out updates on her mission experience in Edmonton, Canada, and we will be reposting her letters on our blog on a regular basis. Hello Hello!! I hope everyone had a great week! This week we did a lot of park contacting and had a couple of lessons with James and Larry. Merillee is in Edmonton for a bit and Chuan & Zhen Zhen went camping for the weekend. A lot of people are gone for holidays, so many that we combined wards on Sunday. James and his daughter Kelsey came to church again. James loves reading the Book of Mormon and shared his testimony of it with Sister Mills and me the other night. His faith is growing so much! Larry’s preparation for baptism is going really well. He’s keeping all of the commitments we give him and he’s reading the Book of Mormon and praying every day. He always tells us how much better his days go when he prays and reads. Edmonton Canada Mission There was a HUGE thunderstorm on Wednesday. Sister Mills and I were at the church and wanted to go outside and take pictures of the storm. It was fun until we realized we were locked out of the church and left everything inside. We ran around checking every door to see if it was unlocked but no luck. SOAKED by now, we asked the Elders if they were near and if they could come unlock it for us but they were in a lesson. So they later sent a picture replying to our picture. We ran to the bishop’s house and he gave us a spare key. On Sunday 6 of us missionaries from the zone got to go be a part of the Stakes Quest. Instead of trek they do this thing called Quest. They reenact Book of Mormon stories, are put into tribes dress, and dress like Nephites. Our part as missionaries was to walk out of the woods into the crowd of youth. After Joseph Smith came back into the woods and found the plates we each walked out with a Book of Mormon in one hand and shook everyone’s hand with the other. It was really spiritual and fun even for the small portion we were there. That’s about it for the week. My Mom is sending this email so the pictures can be attached to it. I hope you all have the best week! I love you all!! “Use hospitality one to another without grudging” 1 Peter 4:9 Love, Sister Eckton
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