Learn Of Me: Following the Prophet to Receive Personal Revelation – with Stephanie Dibb Sorensen

January 16, 2020

This is a combination-type episode of the podcast. In one part we will have a sort of “part 2” to our episode on the Basic Doctrine on Prophets and Revelation. Stephanie Dibb Sorensen is a teacher of The Living Prophets at BYU and has some additional insights to share on that subject.

Next we will also address Stephanie’s new workbook, Learn Of Me, which is a great tool for missionaries. This workbook helps support the effort to keep the challenge of President Russell M. Nelson to study Jesus Christ from the Topic Guide.

This workbook is a great tool for those preparing to serve a mission, or while they are on their mission, to learn more of the Savior whom they represent. Stephanie Sorensen shares some insights from her own experience with this challenge, as well as some extra tips on how to use this workbook to increase your love and understanding of the Savior.

Learn of Me, is available in many Latter-day Saint retail outlets, or through Deseret Book.

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